Sir Knights,
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years. Inspection season is into the new year, please spread the word to all the Sir Knights that they can participate in the noble and glorious cause.
This weekend Gil W. Bernard Commandery No. 74 in Sullivan, IL of the 4th Division will be holding the best inspection this year yet!
Next weekend there will be 3 inspections. Please check the Grand Commandery website for the details. St. Omar No. 30 has rescheduled their inspection for next weekend, St .Elmo No. 64 and Ottawa no. 10 will be also be holding their inspections.
I am currently in the know of St. Elmo requesting a Color Bearer and Standard Bearer. Anyone available, please reach out to Nat Garofalo, EC at (708) 526 -4500
Also, anyone attending the St. Elmo inspection, they are holding a food and clothing drive, please bring a non-perishable food item or gently used clothing to donate.
Please encourage all Sir Knights to attend these inspections to learn, participate, network, teach, witness, impress the candidate, and grow in their masonic journey. I can guarantee anyone who attends any of these inspections can learn something new or pick up something they forgot.
S.K. Stephen T. Adamson, KTCH
Aide to the Right Eminent Grand Commander
Grand Commandery of the State of Illinois
Cell: (708) 417-4079